
ذات صلة


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لكبرى شركات المقاولات بالمملكة العربية السعودية

Al Maaly Group For Recruitment L.N 225 Is Honored To immediately hiring For the largest
:contracting companies in Saudi Arabia

Job Title : Corporate Alliance Manager

Job Description :
Responsible For Adding Value To The Company By Extending Its Accounts To Company Partners.
Relationships With These Partners Must Remain Well Managed And Mutually Beneficial To Both Companies .

Experience :

Spend as much time on managing internal stakeholders as on managing the relationship with the partner

Minimum 5 years of experience in alliance management within Construction industry In :

• Ensures partner account of the vision, strategies and capabilities of the alliance
• Ensures the legality of the alliance by seeing all legal conditions are met and all the proper registration are done
• Maintains updates to the partner of the latest developments of their alliance account
• Provides feedback to the partners if needed
• Develops and executes attainable and strategy plans with the market needs
• Builds multi-level relationships with its partners including those in the executive level
• Produces high-quality leads through constant engagements with partners in terms of marketing strategies
• Coordinates with internal resources to launch partner sales planning efforts of the company
• Frequency, mode and nature of communications between partners
• Frequency/amount and type of info/data exchanges between partners
• Profit margins realised from collaborative projects
• Number/percentage of collaborative projects finished within time and budget
• Percentage of market share obtained through partnerships
• Create a solid business plan backed up by a detailed contract
• Establish joint objective and goals
• Evaluate potential partners
• Seek common ground with partners and pay close attention to managing the interface with them
• Develop Conflict-Resolution Systems

• Cost consciousness and business sense of profit generation.
• Strong relationship management and professional network building.

• Competency with Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Outlook, Power Point) and CRM/ERP software.
• Proficiency in both English and Arabic

Please Send Cvs In English On :  [email protected]
