ذات صلة


مشروع قانون تعديل الإجراءات الضريبية بالمرفقات

  مشروع قانون تعديل الإجراءات الضريبية بالمرفقات قانون تعديل الإجراءات الضريبية

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محاسب تكاليف cost controller

شركة كبرى في مجال الاطعمه تطلب محاسب تكاليف خبره في مجال الاطعمه

1: شهاده جامعيه في مجال المحاسبه
2: اجادة اللغة الانجليزيه تحدث وكتابه شرط اساسي
3: خبره 5 سنوات على الاقل في حساب التكاليف
4: لايشطرط الجنسيه


large company in the field of food requires an accountant for experience in the field of food

the conditions
1: University degree in accounting
English Proficiency Speaking and writing is a prerequisite
3: Experience at least 5 years in costing
4: No ***ual intercourse

• Consistently offers professional, engaging and friendly service
• Prepare and analyze food and beverage costs on a monthly basis and recommend alternatives to improve costs.
• Assist in the monthly food and beverage inventories count and extension.
• Establish and maintain a database for food and beverage inventory stock including up-to-date pricing.
• Ensure proper storage and issuance of all food and beverage items.
• Establish and maintain a cost allocation transfer system for food and beverage supplies to the various departments. Summarize these transactions for each financial period close.
• Cost all food and beverage items and where practical, input these costs into the point of sales system and generate monthly potential food and beverage cost of sales.
• Price all food and beverage storeroom requisitions and compute the following:
• Monthly food and beverage actual costs by outlet.
• Monthly storeroom variances for food, beverage & Consumables.
• Assist management in menu costing in order to establish menu item sale prices.
• Establish and monitor the following operational controllers in the food and beverage outlets:
• Menu Items (ensure that they are properly rung up the system).
• Guest check void controls.
• Cash handling and check settlement.
• Operation inventories and reconciliations.
• Point of Sale system user capabilities and controls.
• Portion controls.
• Prepare F&B;reports as requested by management.

ارجو ارسال السير الذاتية بالغة الانجليزيه على البريد الاكتروني التالي
[email protected]

Please send your CV in English at the following e-mail
[email protected]