ذات صلة


وزير الرى: التوسع فى البحث العلمي بمعالجة المياه وتغير المناخ

نظمت وزارة الزراعة واستصلاح الأراضى ممثلة فى هيئة الخدمات...

وزارة العمل: توفير 750 فرصة عمل للشباب بدمياط.. وتدريبات مجانية بالمحافظات

أعلنت مديرية العمل بمحافظة دمياط، مشاركتها فى افتتاح ملتقى...

أسعار الحديد تصعد في الأسواق اليوم الخميس ( موقع رسمي)

ارتفعت أسعار الحديد في الأسواق خلال تعاملات اليوم الخميس،...

البيضاء بـ 72جنيهًا.. أسعار الفراخ والكتاكيت والبط في بورصة الدواجن اليوم الخميس 7 نوفمبر

أسعار الفراخ والكتاكيت والبط والرومي، وفق ما أعلنته "بورصة...

البصل بـ18 والكوسة بـ19 جنيهًا.. أسعار الخضراوات والفاكهة في الأسواق اليوم الخميس 7 نوفمبر 2024

أسعار الخضراوات والفاكهة بالأسواق، اليوم الخميس 7 نوفمبر 2024،...

Life chemicals – Herafeyeen Factory is now hiring

Life chemicals – Herafeyeen Factory is now hiring

General Accountant

Job Description:

continuous management of financial systems and budgets;

undertaking financial audits (an independent check of an organisation’s financial position);

providing financial advice.

In public practice, typical work activities include:

liaising with clients (individuals or businesses) and providing financialinformation and advice;

reviewing the company’s systems and analysing risk;

performing tests to check financial information and systems;

advising clients on tax planning (within current legislation to enable them to minimize their tax liability) and tax issues associated with activities such as business acquisitions and mergers;

maintaining accounting records and preparing accounts and management information for small businesses (accountancy);

advising clients on business transactions, such as mergers and acquisitions (corporate finance);

advising clients on areas of business improvement, or dealing with insolvency;

detecting and preventing fraud (forensic accounting);

managing junior colleagues.

In commerce and industry, and the public and not-for-profit sectors, typical work activities involve:

liaising with internal and external auditors and dealing with any financial irregularities as they arise;

producing reports and recommendations following internal audits or public-sector audits;

preparing financial statements, including monthly and annual accounts;

preparing financial management reports, including financial planning and forecasting;

advising on tax and treasury issues;


BA of Commerce

Must be Male

Experience 2-3 years

Immediate Hiring

Note: we provide attractive package

please send your updated cv via [email protected]

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