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Accountant .

Job Title Accountant

Vacancy Deadline(mm/dd/yy) 8/23/2014

Languages – Excellent written oral Arabic and English communication.

Languages Arabic, Excellent

English, Excellent

Country Egypt

Job Category Accounting

Job Type Full Time

Job Level Junior

Description – Perform day-to-day accounting data entry and calculations tasks. – Prepare periodic journal entries. – Perform various account reconciliation to ensure the integrity of the financial statements. – Provide and interpret financial information and prepare various analytical spreadsheets. – Produce accurate financial reports on specific deadlines. – Perform periodic review of the system for entries accuracy. – Analyze and report on monthly results to H.O. – Conduct reviews and evaluations for cost-reduction opportunities. – Assist in the Companys periodic audit. – Develop internal relationships with the site operation management and staff. – Assist in the annual budget preparation process. – Assist in the day-to-day safe data entries and reconciliations.

Qualifications Qualifications and professional knowledge: – 2+ years of general accounting / finance experience, – A bachelor degree in Accounting, – Excellent analysis skills, general accounting knowledge, and the ability to collaborate with a multi-department team. Also helpful to have experience manipulating large databases. – Proficiency in Microsoft Word, Excel, and Outlook.

Gender Any

Car owner Any

Education major Accounting

Experience 3 – 5 Years.

Salary (L.E.) Negotiable


Job Contact Email To apply, Please send your recent updated resume to[email protected] , mentioning job code( RL004-01-2014 ) in the subject bar.

المادة السابقة
المقالة القادمة