ذات صلة


وزير الرى: التوسع فى البحث العلمي بمعالجة المياه وتغير المناخ

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Senior Financial Analyst

We are looking for a candidate as specific below:

– Title: Senior Financial Analyst – Vice of Director of Research & Studies

– Job Location: Saudi Arabia, Riyadh

– University graduate with minimum grade of “very good”

– Very strong financial analysis professional work experience.

– At least five years of experience related to Financial Research & Studies.

– CFA or CVA holder; or at least have passed the first exam of CFA.

– Has proven professional experience in stock market, preferably USA market.

– Has good knowledge of KSA economic market.

– Has the ability to train employees and raise up the website content level.

– Excellent English language skills.

– Excellent Computer skills.

– Knowledge of editing & writing about financial analyst.


The selected Candidate will be working for Argaam Business info, argaam.com, which is under project management of DANAT IT.


For whom who are interested and match the above criteria, Please send updated CV to [email protected]

Interviews for selected candidates will be conducted with HR Manager in Egypt during this month of August,2014, and for those who will be shortlisted; will do a second interview with the Director of Research & Studies by first week of September,2014.

المادة السابقة
المقالة القادمة