ذات صلة


وزير الرى: التوسع فى البحث العلمي بمعالجة المياه وتغير المناخ

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Chief Accountant Jobs In Oman And Career In Surgi-Tech

Chief Accountant Jobs In Oman And Career In Surgi-Tech Vacancies In Oman 2014
Employer    Surgi-Tech 
Job Title     Chief Accountant 

Vacancy Deadline(mm/dd/yy)    9/24/2014 
 Languages     English, Excellent 
Country     Oman 
Job Category    Accounting 
Job Type    Full Time 
Job Level     Senior 
Description     Monitors compliance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) and company procedures. Reviews, investigates, and corrects errors and inconsistencies in financial entries, documents, and reports. Reviews accounts parables and weekly check runs. Determines proper handling of financial transactions and approves transactions within designated limits. Compiles and analyzes financial information to prepare entries to general ledger accounts, cost centers and documents business transactions. Responsible for distributing financial statements and cost center reports. Analyze transnational processes and identify areas where additional accuracies and inefficiencies can be achieved. Closely maintains and monitors the fixed assets system. Adheres to internal and external deadlines. Applies cost accounting methods to achieve accurate representation of cost center performance. Assist with annual budgets ” prepares all allocations;Coordinate monthly closing process and reconciliation of general ledger accounts. Work with both internal and external auditors during financial and operational audits. Maintain system of accounts and keep records on all company transactions and assets.
Qualifications    Bachelor’s Degree in Finance/Accounting Experience 4-6 years as chief accountant • Have a detailed understanding of Finance • Strong analytical and problem solving skills. • Mature, self-motivated, proactive, willing to learn and able to work under pressure. can manage and lead teams to achieve the goals
Gender    Any 
Car owner     Any 
Experience    3 – 5 Years. 
Salary (L.E.)    Negotiable 
Job Contact Email    please send your cv to [email protected]