ذات صلة


وزير الرى: التوسع فى البحث العلمي بمعالجة المياه وتغير المناخ

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Accountant/Fresh Graduate Jobs In Egypt And Career In Dakahlia Poultry

Accountant/Fresh Graduate Jobs In Egypt And Career In Dakahlia Poultry Vacancies In Cairo 2014
Employer    Dakahlia Poultry 

Job Title     Accountant 
Vacancy Deadline(mm/dd/yy)    9/22/2014 
Languages     English is a must 
 Languages     English, Excellent 
Country     Egypt 
City     Cairo 
Job Category    Accounting 
Job Type    Full Time 
Job Level     Junior 
Description     Prepare, examine, and analyze accounting records, financial statements, and other financial reports to assess accuracy, completeness, and conformance to reporting and procedural standards. Compute taxes owed and prepare tax returns, ensuring compliance with payment, reporting and other tax requirements. Analyze business operations, trends, costs, revenues, financial commitments, and obligations, to project future revenues and expenses or to provide advice. Report to management regarding the finances of establishment. Establish tables of accounts, and assign entries to proper accounts. Develop, maintain, and analyze budgets, preparing periodic reports that compare budgeted costs to actual costs. 
Qualifications    Fresh graduate English section is preferred or language school graduates Excellent communication skills Hard worker and goal oriented person 
Gender    Any 
Car owner     Any 
Education major     Accounting/ English 
Experience    0 – New Graduate Years. 
Salary (L.E.)    Negotiable 
Job Contact Email    interested candidates should send their CVs to [email protected]