ذات صلة


ارتفاع أسعار النفط بعد عقوبات الأمريكية الجديدة ضد روسيا وإيران

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Accountant Titan Cement Egypt

Titan Cement Egypt
Job Description

Inputs and keeps records of all accounting transactions to the accounting ERP system and general ledger e.g. accounts payable, accounts receivable and invoices. Performs the bank transactions during the monthly reconciliation Prepares invoices and cheques according to the payment obligations of the company Proceeds to payments of all suppliers invoices or any other payments obligation. Allocation of cash received from customers. Upon clearance of payments, enters and files all actions or documentation to the accounting ERP system, and participates in the monthly closing procedures. Answers to suppliers inquiries concerning payments terms or execution of payment schedule. Produces the withholding tax report for review from the Senior Accountant and submission to the Tax department. Analytical report for projects spending and allocation. Identifies malfunctions and issues of consideration concerning the efficiency of the accounting ERP system, reporting any findings to the Senior Accountant Develops analytical reporting concerning all payment transactions, thus enabling the accurate information flow within the accounting department. Follows up pending invoices and communicates with the client concerning the debt. Develops reports concerning the sales and production volume. Participates or leads ad-hoc projects that may go beyond his/hers formal accountabilities, so as to satisfy and respond accordingly to business needs
Job Qualification
• University degree in Accounting, relevant post graduate degree will be considered an asset • 2-3 years’ experience in financial accounting • Knowledge of the local accounting principles • Knowledge of ERP Systems, experience in SAP accounting systems is an asset • Familiarity with IFRS • Good reporting skills, especially through automated reporting tools • Good Communication & Presentation skills • Analytical and conceptual thinking • Team player and flexibility • Organizing skills and ability to work under pressure • Fluency in English • PC literacy
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