ذات صلة


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Arafa Holding Vacancies

Personal Assistant Jobs In Egypt And Career In Arafa Holding Vacancies In 10 of Ramadan 2014
Employer    Arafa Holding 
Job Title     Personal Assistant 

Vacancy Deadline(mm/dd/yy)    11/30/2014 
Languages     Very Good English 
 Languages     English, Very Good 
Country     Egypt 
City     10 of Ramadan 
Job Category    Administration 
Job Type    Full Time 
Job Level     Junior 
Description     Reporting to the Office Manager. All professional secretarial duties (Typing, filing, and word processing).Undertakes the managers overseas travel arrangements, conferences, Visa, car rent & accommodation. Monitoring and Controlling travel Expenses. Establishing an effective on-line filing system by saving documents electronically for quick access. Organizing Local and International Meetings . Perform regular jobs of dictation, typing, filing, email, fax and self correspondence. Scheduling internal and external meetings. Assisting and arranging hotel bookings, visas & car rentals for all Managers and senior levels. Translating contracts and documents from Arabic to English.  Handling time pressures, multiple tasks. Maintaining petty cash for the office.  Good English Good computer. Handling Department correspondence. Arranging the Managers calendar & fixing appointments. Maintaining a filing system. 
Qualifications    Strong communication skills. High sense of urgency in completing assigned tasks. Multi Tasks Oriented. Excellent in setting priorities. Team player in sharing the success. – Organized and loyal. Ability to work under stress high Computer skills 
Gender    Any 
Car owner     no 
Education major     Business Administration 
Experience    1 – 2 Years. 
Salary (L.E.)    Negotiable 
Job Contact Email    [email protected]