ذات صلة


ارتفاع أسعار النفط وخام برنت يسجل 83.10 دولار للبرميل

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current vacancies available in CDCM Peugeot.

Dear All,
Hope this mail finds you all well and happy.
Kindly find the below list of current vacancies available in CDCM Peugeot.

Please feel free to circulate the mail to any of your referrals that may fit for any of the mentioned vacancies.
For all interested candidates, please send your CVs or referral numbers with job title in subject to:  [email protected] or as reply to this e-mail.

CDCM Puegeot HR Team
11 Salah Salem St. – Cairo – Egypt
P.O Box :11381
Tel .:24828058- 24828057
Fax :24660087


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