ذات صلة


ارتفاع طفيف في أسعار الدواجن اليوم بالأسواق (موقع رسمي)

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12 مارس 2025.. أسعار الخضروات والفاكهة بسوق العبور للجملة اليوم

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Egypt Tax Analyst

Egypt Tax Analyst .

ob description

Key Respnsibilities

The role is designed to manage

 the domestic tax compliance function under the leadership of the country tax manager to ensure that the company meets the tax regulatory requirements and local accounting standards.

Prepare the Income tax declarations and resolve issues identified during the declaration preparation process to ensure accuracy of filings

Prepare the quarterly income tax forecasts

Participate in evaluating the business model compliance, related parties transactions and operating processes and recommend strategies to ensure compliance from Tax & Business Model standpoints




· University graduate with strong academic results

· 2 – 4 years working experience in international accounting firms

· Fluency in English

· Strong interpersonal and communication skills

· Strong Analytical thinking and problem solving

· Strong leadership & follow up skills

Requisition Number: FIN00003250
