ذات صلة


وزير الرى: التوسع فى البحث العلمي بمعالجة المياه وتغير المناخ

نظمت وزارة الزراعة واستصلاح الأراضى ممثلة فى هيئة الخدمات...

وزارة العمل: توفير 750 فرصة عمل للشباب بدمياط.. وتدريبات مجانية بالمحافظات

أعلنت مديرية العمل بمحافظة دمياط، مشاركتها فى افتتاح ملتقى...

أسعار الحديد تصعد في الأسواق اليوم الخميس ( موقع رسمي)

ارتفعت أسعار الحديد في الأسواق خلال تعاملات اليوم الخميس،...

البيضاء بـ 72جنيهًا.. أسعار الفراخ والكتاكيت والبط في بورصة الدواجن اليوم الخميس 7 نوفمبر

أسعار الفراخ والكتاكيت والبط والرومي، وفق ما أعلنته "بورصة...

البصل بـ18 والكوسة بـ19 جنيهًا.. أسعار الخضراوات والفاكهة في الأسواق اليوم الخميس 7 نوفمبر 2024

أسعار الخضراوات والفاكهة بالأسواق، اليوم الخميس 7 نوفمبر 2024،...

meric company

We are now hiring Training Coordinators, responsible for developing and implementing training initiatives such as workshops and seminars.

Potential candidates should have:

1. Bachelor’s degree in any field
2. Very good command of both written and spoken English
3. Excellent command of both written and spoken Arabic
4. Very good background in finance
5. Excellent administration skills
6. 1-2 years of related experience (preferable)
7. Residing in or close to Heliopolis area

Please send your CV and advise current and/or expected salary. Only Applicants that send their updated CV and expected salary will be considered.

A fast growing local start-up company is looking for someone to manage its Financials and support its Office Administration

Potential candidates should have:
1. Bachelor’s degree in accounting or finance
2. Very good command of both written and spoken English
3. Excellent command of both written and spoken Arabic
4. Excellent administration skills
5. Very good use of Computers and preferably with some IT knowledge
6. Experience in Taxes
7. Minimum 3 years of related experience
8. Residing in or close to Heliopolis area

If called for an interview, please bring along references from previous employers.

Please send your CV to [email protected] and state current or expected salary.

We are now hiring Sales Representatives, responsible for actively marketing and selling Training Programs in the MENA Region

Potential candidates should be Male and have:

1. Bachelor’s degree in any field
2. Very good command of both written and spoken English
3. Excellent command of both written and spoken Arabic
4. Very good background in sales and marketing
5. Excellent administration and accounting skills
6. 1-2 years of related experience (preferable)
7. Residing in or close to Heliopolis area

Please send your CV and advise expected salary to [email protected]