ذات صلة


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PR Account Executive

PR Account Executive

Females only

Job Description

The PR Executive post involves working closely with the media and clients on a day-to-day basis. The PR Account Executive will manage media relations and press campaigns. Also will handle daily account management proactively and develop full client confidence in day-to-day running of accounts; write press releases in English and Arabic; Show initiative in business building. Demonstrate leadership skills and creativity.

Candidate Profile

The PR Account Executive should have experience in account handling or similar roles, excellent written and verbal communications skills in English and Arabic, knowledge of business practices and client relations. Sound judgment, enthusiasm, presentations skills; people management skills; leadership; effective time management and organization skills.

Blue Ocean Public Relations

Blue Ocean Public Relations is a Public Relations Agency based in Heliopolis, offering personalized PR solutions through creative public relations programs.


Working hours: 09:00 – 17:00

Day(s) off : Friday and Saturday

Location : Heliopolis


CVs with photos only will be considered

Apply: [email protected]

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