ذات صلة


ارتفاع أسعار النفط بعد عقوبات الأمريكية الجديدة ضد روسيا وإيران

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Purchasing Manager Jobs In Egypt And Career In Autocool

Purchasing Manager  Jobs In Egypt And Career In Autocool Vacancies In 10 of Ramadan 2014
Employer    Autocool 

Job Title     Purchasing Manager 
Vacancy Deadline(mm/dd/yy)    9/30/2014 
Languages     Very good command of English 
 Languages     English, Very Good 
Country     Egypt 
City     10 of Ramadan 
Job Category    Automotive, Purchasing, Industrial Engineering 
Job Type    Full Time 
Job Level     Managerial 
Description     —Builds, maintains and updates the suppliers and contracts data base. —Creates Purchasing procedures, forms and flowcharts. —Negotiate all purchasing contracts and terms and get best prices and delivery terms. —Manages all logistics activities. —Monitors inventory levels and sets demands limits. —Controls department budget. —Performs analysis to support make or buy decision. —Achieves his department targets of cost savings —Responds effectively to sudden urgent purchasing requests. —Prepares periodic purchasing performance reports to top management —Sets his staff training plan, KPIs and appraisal reports. —Manages the daily data entries on the company ERP system.
Qualifications    10 Years in similar post. 5 Years in industrial field.
Gender    Any 
Car owner     Any 
Experience    10-15 Years. 
Other Skills    Very good command of Computer Office Applications.
Salary (L.E.)    Negotiable 
Job Contact Email    HR Manager [email protected]