ذات صلة


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(Treasurer (T-0011

Job Description

Manage and direct the treasury activities of the total organization 

and ensure that the financial transactions, policies, and procedures meet organization objectives, needs, and regulatory body requirements.

Responsible for the receipt, custody, control and disbursement of funds and supervise the organization’s banking, credit and investment functions.

Evaluate and recommend investment options, funding sources, and financial instruments that will meet the organization’s treasury objectives.

Analyze general business and financial developments that may affect the organization.

Accountable for sub-function and provide the highest level of advice and recommendations to the management team.

Plan the short-term financial requirements; negotiate, administer, and repay loans; maintain cash management programs; conduct financial feasibility studies; prepare annual financial reports; and participate in the financial planning process.

Key Qualifications

A Bachelor degree of Accounting or Equivalent

Min 2 years of experience.

General Terms

Job type; full time

Gender :male

Weekly 1 day off

Working hours : 9 hrs/day

If you are interested send your C.V : [email protected]

(indicating the position in the subject line)