ذات صلة


لمحة عن ضريبة القيمة المضافة ومدى تأثيرها على المبيعات بالتقسيط

لو كنت بتشتغل بنظام البيع بالتقسيط ازاى تقدم اقرار...

الثلاثاء 11 مارس 2025.. أسعار الخضروات والفاكهة بسوق العبور للجملة اليوم

تباينت أسعار الخضروات والفاكهة خلال تعاملات اليوم الثلاثاء 11...

وزير الاستثمار يلتقي مستثمرين في مجال الطاقة الخضراء لبحث مشاريع تنموية واعدة

التقى المهندس حسن الخطيب، وزير الاستثمار والتجارة الخارجية، هشام...

البنك المركزي يسحب سيولة بقيمة 531.9 مليار جنيه عبر عطاء السوق المفتوحة

سحب البنك المركزي المصري سيولة بقيمة 513.9 مليار جنيه...

United Distributors Company announces an “H.R Specialist” Vacancy

United Distributors Company announces an “H.R Specialist” Vacancy 
• Gender : Any

• Bachelor degree in : preferred Commerce College
• Experience : At least 2 years
• Excellent in English Language
• Excellent Computer Skills
• Presentable
• Excellent communication skills
• Ability to solve problems
Job Location: 10th of Ramadan 
Transportation is provided. 

Interested applicants are kindly requested to send their resume with a recent photo to [email protected] 
Quoting the job title in the subject (H.R)
Emails without job title in the subject will be neglected.

United Distributors Company announces an “Accountant” Vacancy 

• Gender : Any
• Bachelor degree in : commerce College
• Grade : At least Good
• Experience : At least 2 years
• Excellent in English Language
• Excellent Computer Skills
• Presentable
• Excellent communication skills. 
Job Location: 10th of Ramadan 
Transportation is provided. 

Interested applicants are kindly requested to send their resume with a recent Photo to [email protected] 
Quoting the job title in the subject (Acc.)
Emails without job title in the subject will be neglected.

United Distributors Company announces an “IT Technical Support” Vacancy
• MCITP certified.
• Qualified in Open source operating system (UNIX / Linux).
• Excellent in English Language.
• Bachelor degree in : Computer Science.
• Experience : At least 2 years
Duties and Responsibilities:
• Installing and configuring computer hardware and applications.
• Troubleshooting system, network problems, diagnosing, and solving hardware/software faults.
• Replacing computer parts as required.
• Providing support, including procedural documentation and relevant reports.
• Following diagrams and written instructions to repair a fault or set up a system.
• Rapidly establishing a good working relationship with employees and other professionals, software developers.
• Testing and evaluating new technology.
• Self-motivated and able to work independently and efficiently to meet deadlines.
• Provide client support and technical issue resolution via E-Mail, phone and other electronic medium.

– Job Location: 10th of Ramadan & Garden City.
– Transportation is provided. 
– Interested applicants are kindly requested to send their resume with a recent photo to [email protected] 
Quoting the job title in the subject (I.T)
Emails without job title in the subject will be neglected.

المادة السابقة
المقالة القادمة