
ذات صلة


المهارات التي يبحث عنها اصحاب الاعمال في سيرتك الذاتية

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Account Manager For

Account Manager Jobs In Egypt And Career In Vacancies In Cairo 2014
Job Title     Account Manager 

Vacancy Deadline(mm/dd/yy)    10/31/2014 
 Languages     English, Excellent 
    Arabic, Excellent 
Country     Egypt 
City     Cairo 
Job Category    Business Development, Project Management 
Job Type    Part Time 
Job Level     Junior 
Description     —Training the sellers on the process and best practices for selling on —Work closely with the sellers to get them live on the platform —Understand and resolve seller issues by working with other teams. —Liaising with the internal teams to ensure that the ETAs for live date, shoots etc are met. —Manage respective Seller account for the first three months and ensure minimal drop-offs from the platform. —Take ownership of sellers and drive their performance KPIs. —Talk to your respective sellers daily —Be the subject matter expert on ‘how to establish business on– on through the On boarding function. 
Qualifications    •Minimum 1 year of experience in account management •Experience in e-commerce and consumer internet industries is highly desirable •Analytical and data driven with good knowledge of MS excel and its functions. •Prior Experience of training teams/ groups will be preferred. •Functional knowledge of Arabic and experience in Middle East is a big plus 
Gender    Female 
Car owner     Any 
Experience    1 – 2 Years. 
Salary (L.E.)    Negotiable 
Job Contact Email    [email protected] 
