
ذات صلة


12 يونيو 2024.. أسعار الحديد والأسمنت بالمصانع المحلية اليوم

شهدت أسعار الحديد الأسمنت استقرارًا فى المصانع المحلية، خلال...

12 يونيو 2024.. أسعار الخضروات والفاكهة بسوق العبور للجملة اليوم

تباينت أسعار الخضراوات والفاكهة بسوق العبور للجملة، فى بداية...

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Accountant/Fresh Graduate Jobs In Egypt And Career In Vacancies In Cairo 2014

Accountant/Fresh Graduate Jobs In Egypt And Career In Vacancies In Cairo 2014
Job Title     Accountant 
Vacancy Deadline(mm/dd/yy)    10/31/2014 
Languages     Excellent in English 

 Languages     English, Excellent 
Country     Egypt 
City     Cairo 
Job Category    Finance 
Job Type    Full Time 
Job Level     Junior 
Description     1. Develop and implement all necessary financial policies and procedures to ensure the provision of an effective financial management service and compliance with any relevant regulations. 2. Maintain reliable and accurate accounting records for the company and produce management accounts as necessary to facilitate the effective management of the company. 3. Assist in the preparation of the annual budget and produce cash flow forecasts and variances against budget projections to assist decision making. 4. Maintain day-to-day control of all accounting systems to ensure the complete and accurate processing of financial data in accordance with internal procedures. 5. Produce regular analyses of income and expenditure to assist managers in the budget monitoring process. 6. Supervise accountancy staff to ensure that they are appropriately motivated and trained and carry out their responsibilities effectively. 7. Assist in the development, review and improvement of accountancy and computer systems within the company.
Qualifications    BSC. in Commerce – accounting
Gender    Male 
Car owner     no 
Education major     Accounting 
Experience    0 – New Graduate Years. 
Other Skills    ability to analyze complex financial information and produce reports; good interpersonal skills.
Compensations    transportation – social insurance – medical insurance- career path . 
Salary (L.E.)    Negotiable 
Comments    if you interested in job , please send to :[email protected]

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